Wednesday, 27 June 2012

What if higher ed was like Shark Tank…

I’ve had a terrible cold this week.  So I took the day afternoon off on Friday originally intending to enjoy the long weekend but spending it in bed instead with my Blackberry Playbook (have to support the RIMM stock), Shark Tank, Dragon’s Den and Risky Business… and a roll of Cottonelle toilet paper (way nicer for the nose than the cheap stuff or kleenex).

Good thing I have a stash of toilet paper since Mark Cuban says that most people should stockpile things – and cash – and invest in yourself – rather than waste their money in the stock market.  But really, how much toilet paper and GIC’s can you buy before it just seems weird?

I have a bit of a double standard for my 2 kids.  The oldest is very academically inclined.  The other is a B student kind of kid.  I’m willing to invest in the education of the oldest and did the whole RESP thing for him (which got slightly decimated in the 2000-1 meltdown).  And I’m willing to invest in a business for the youngest one.   Because like Mark Cuban, he’s a little go-getter shark and university would only slow him down.  Although, unlike Cuban – in the basketball world at least, he has a lot of self-control.

While spending the day in bed with Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec (unfortunately Kevin O’Leary was also there…) watching Shark Tank, I was thinking about Cuban’s blog post:

And wondering what would happen if prospective university students had to prove the case for their major, academic or earning ability to even get a student loan just like the contestants have to do for their business ideas on Shark Tank?  It would be sort of like… Germany!  Instead, student loans are handed out like… pre-2008 mortgages!

This also comes to mind because I’ve worked with far too many people who just aren’t meant to be doing accounting.  Give me 2 super competent people to manage over 4 who aren’t suited for their jobs any day.  The good ones will get more than twice as much done with less aggravation compared to the not-so-good.  There are ways of thinking or looking at problems that you simply can’t teach.  Just like you couldn’t teach me how to be more than barely competent in a mechanical sense even if I went to trade school for a dozen years.

It has to be frustrating for the poor fit people too as they watch the people they graduated with get promotions and raises while they stagnate and struggle in a job they aren’t suited for.  Maybe they would have been great at a trade or doing something else but their parents had that dream of them becoming white collar cube-dwellers.

Here’s some fun stuff that made me cough and laugh:

Steve Jobs pitching the ipad to Dragon’s Den

Cassetteboy vs. Dragon’s Den and vs. The Bloody Apprentice (both NSFW)

And here’s Harry and Paul promoting the month of Augcember on DD


front page go

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